Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Hypothetical

I had found myself caught up in a wikicycle earlier today (a wikicycle is that downward spiral in which each article only arouses your interest in three more) when I came across some really interesting specs on jetpacks. As it turns out, one company ( is estimating that they will be making available, to the public, a jetpack that could fly for up to nine minutes.

Now, this raises some interesting questions to me. As a writer, how successful would I have to be before I could afford that $200,000 price tag? Furthermore, how famous would I have to be for people to accept that my primary mode of travel was flight? At what point might people simply say, "Oh, that's just Kole. He flies places."

The problem that I foresee with this is fuel. After those nine minutes of flight, I would have to refuel. Now, I have to assume that this would be plenty of time to get to work, with no stop lights or traffic grids to follow. But I am pretty sure that keeping drums of rocket fuel in an office isn't really a safe-for-work policy, and I would have to explain: "Sir, that's for my jetpack. You know, that thing I fly to work every day."

At which point, fed up with the beauracracy of it all, I would leap out the window and fly into the sunset. For nine minutes.

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